Tag: Cindy Ruberg

Wobble Art at Lizzie Bits Baby Co.

I have really been going back and forth from having very little to say on the ol’ blog to having a lot of things happening all at once.  Perhaps every blogger goes through writers block (and in my case, it comes along with painters block sometimes) but it has to be broken after awhile.  It was broken this afternoon when I popped into Lizzie Bits Baby Co. in downtown Kamloops with some of my paintings in tow.  I have been trying to find somewhere to put up some of my art and Lizzie Bits had been on my mind for some time.  The store sells baby consignment, and many of you readers have commented that my Wobble art has a childish quality to it.  As you may know, I also have a few pieces up at Sweet Spot Cupcakes.  Jennifer, the owner of Lizzie Bits Baby Co. was really friendly and excited to have some art to put up on some of her wall space.

As I was trying to find some artwork from my Bunny’s closet to take to the store, I was struck with a sense of disappointment that I didn’t have more art “hanging around” to use in such situations as these.  (I actually don’t even have that many Wobble paintings in my house!  When I think about it, I have four in all, and two of those are in my Bunny’s room, painted especially for her.  I couldn’t use those!)  I had 12 pieces ready to go without any hassle or difficulty on my part, but why didn’t I have more?  The reason is that I like to “move” artwork so I continually have new pieces to sell.  If I have a couple of older canvases I usually lower the price so someone can purchase and enjoy it, and I have more space in my small house to paint more.  I don’t like art to pile up.  The downside of this is, if I ever want to have a show I don’t have a working portfolio ready to go.  It takes me at least a month of painting every day (and finishing a canvas every day! ) to acquire enough work to fill a gallery space of any kind.  Am I wrong to liquidate my work?  I think every artist will have an opinion on this and every opinion will fit that particular artist 🙂

In any case, there is enough there to fill some space, and I am pleased as punch to get my art “out there” for people to enjoy.  If you live in the Kamloops area, go check out Lizzie Bits Baby Co.!  If you are unable, don’t worry, I’ll post some pictures once the artwork is up!